Tamiya #53444 - Tamiya Silicone Damper Oil Medium Set Oil 500,600,700 [53444]

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  • RM30.10 MYR
  • Regular price RM43.00 MYR
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The Silicone Damper Oil Medium Set Oil 500,600,700 produced by Tamiya, is classified in R/C General - Silicone Oil

Tamiya 53444 - Tamiya Silicone Damper Oil Medium Set Medium Oil (500,600,700)
This is silicon damper oil developed for oil-filled damper units used on R/C cars.
Developed for oil-filled damper units on R/C cars. Maintains constant viscosity through a wide temperature range.

Medium Set:
These come in 20cc squeeze bottles
Green 500
Blue 600
Purple 700
INCLUDES: Contains 3 bottles of different medium viscosity oils. 1-500 (green),1-600 (blue), 1-700 (purple)

REQUIRES: Putting it in the shocks